Junior Researcher of Institute of Zoology and PhD-student of the Department of Biodiversity and bioresources of Al-Farabi KazNU Nazerke Alimkyzy Bizhanova received a research grant in 2019 from Rufford Small Grants. This project focused on studying population status, identification of threats for conservation of the rare Eurasian lynx subspecies – Turkestan lynx (Lynx lynx isabellina Blyth, 1847). Bizhanova Nazerke took the initiative to study this rare cat, and began this project as a team leader.

Traditional zoological methods and remote sensing methods, in particular, camera traps,were used. Research was conducted in three protected areas: the Ile Alatau State NationalNatural Park, Almaty State Nature Reserve and Kolsai Kolderi State National Natural Park.
Considering the major threats such as habitat degradation and fragmentation, poaching, loss of prey base, conflict with livestock farmers (retaliatory killing due to livestock depredation), it was relevant to conduct research results of which will be used to create conservation strategies; improve networks of protected areas and increase efficiency of their management; for educational purposes and to raise awareness of the local population living in the habitats of this large carnivore.

The research team consists of 7 researchers:
- Bizhanova Nazerke – Project leader, Junior Researcher at the Laboratory of theriologyof the Institute of Zoology, Tutor and PhD-student at al-Farabi Kazakh National University;
- Grachev Aleksey – Head at the Laboratory of theriology of the Institute of Zoology,founder of the Public Fund «Wildlife Without Borders»;
- Grachev Yuri – Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of theriology of the Institute ofZoology, Candidate of Biological sciences;
- Saparbayev Saltore – Researcher at the Laboratory of theriology of the Institute ofZoology;
- Baidavletov Erlik – Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of theriology of the Institute ofZoology;
- Bespalov Maxim – Research assistant and field manager of the Institute of Zoology;
- Bespalov Sergey – Research assistant and field manager of the Institute of Zoology.