Institute of zoology Republic of Kazakhstan
Карта международных связей
To unite young scientists of the Institute for joint activities aimed at the development of scientific activities, professional development and career growth of young scientists and specialists of the Institute.
List of members of the Academic Council
RSE on the REM "Institute of Zoology" CS MSHE RK (2023)
Republican state enterprise on the right of economic management “Institute of zoology” Committee of science of the Ministry of science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Address: Al-Farabi Ave. 93, Almaty, 050060, Republic of Kazakhstan
Phone: +7 (727) 269-48-76
+7 (727) 269-48-70
E-Mail: office@zool.kz
Web-site: http://zool.kz
YouTube: Institute of Zoology Kazakhstan
FaceBook: link
Instagram: link
Mission: To develop Kazakhstan zoology science from animal world investigations – from Republic of Kazakhstan to around of the globe.
Vision: Institute of Zoology RK – leading world class science organization of fundamental and practical zoology.
Institute of Zoology RK main directions: Kazakhstan wildlife investigation; animal population dynamics changes from environmental impact studying; studying of evolution, phylogeny, taxonomy diversity of present and past wildlife; ecologicaly valuable zoology problem solving.