Date: November 18–19, 2024
Venue: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Organizers: Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and the Institute of Zoology under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Support: “Tetis” Scientific Society, the National Committee of Kazakhstan under the UNESCO “Man and the Biosphere” (MAB) Programme, and the “Tabigat” Association.

Location: Institute of Zoology, Republic of Kazakhstan
Address: Kazakhstan, Almaty, Al-Farabi Avenue, 93
We invite you to participate in the international symposium “Data on the Biodiversity of Eurasian Mountains and Deserts,” to be held on November 18–19, 2024, in Almaty (Kazakhstan). This event will be an important step in advancing open biodiversity data and strengthening cooperation among various countries and regions.
Objectives of the meeting:
- Raise awareness of GBIF as an international network and data infrastructure for biodiversity
- Highlight key benefits for science and policy, as well as progress in ensuring national participation and regional expansion of the network
- Explain and discuss the advantages of FAIR and open biodiversity data for organizations and researchers
- Increase the number of organizations registering as data publishers in GBIF and listed in the Global Registry of Scientific Collections (GRSciColl)
- Clarify key concepts, standards, tools, and processes
- Encourage data publication, data access, and citation
Main agenda points:
Joining GBIF
- Introductory Session
Welcoming remarks and opening speeches
- Global Importance of GBIF
What is GBIF and why does it matter? GBIF’s significance for science and policy at national, regional, and global scales - GBIF in Eurasia
An overview of GBIF’s regional activities through presentations by invited speakers, as well as the data exchange and usage activities of the GBIF community, alongside technical expertise and support. Emphasis on GBIF’s potential for supporting capacity building at the country, organization, and researcher levels, especially in Central Asian and neighboring countries.
Participating in GBIF
- Using GBIF for scientific and practical purposes
Millions of biodiversity data records are freely and openly accessible online for research and application. Key advantages of using open data, as well as the main approaches to accessing and citing data, will be discussed. - Managing and publishing biodiversity data
Active efforts are needed to standardize and publish open biodiversity data, ensuring their availability and citability. Where should organizations or individual specialists start? We will review the main approaches, standards, tools, and practical solutions that make data management and sharing straightforward and effective.
We invite you to express your interest and willingness to participate in this two-day international symposium. Registration is open until September 1, 2024.
REGISTRATION FORM for the symposium
Confirmations and invitations will be sent to participants in early autumn 2024 (only confirmed participants can attend the symposium). Priority will be given to applicants representing government agencies and organizations working in the field of biodiversity.
Languages and format:
The working languages of the symposium are English and Russian.
The event will be held exclusively in person (no remote or hybrid participation is available).
BioDATA Advance Training:
An accompanying training session will be organized by the University of Oslo’s BioDATA Advanced project and will take place on November 20–22, 2024, in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
REGISTRATION FORM for the training
Registration deadline is September 10, 2024.
The working language of the training is Russian.
Anyone wishing to attend this training must register separately for it. Please follow updates on the BioDATA Advanced project page.
Those who plan to participate in both the symposium and the BioDATA Advanced training should keep in mind the dates of both events. Please wait to receive confirmation of your registration for one or both events before booking tickets.