On March 6, 2024, the UNESCO chair for Sustainable Development of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held an international round table dedicated to the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The purpose of the event was to familiarize students with the contribution of women to science, their achievements and difficulties on the way to professional success, as well as to contribute to the formation of a positive moral assessment of the activities of women scientists in the name of science and progress, the development of productive thinking.

The dean of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management, Aliya Sagyndykovna Aktymbaeva, made a welcoming speech. Tamara Lashkarovna Tazhibayeva, Professor of the UNESCO chair of Sustainable Development, also made a report on SDG – 5. Gulzhanat Bakytovna Tanabekova, PhD, a graduate of the UNESCO chair for Sustainable Development, senior researcher at the Institute of Zoology, told about her path in science.

The issues of practical activities of women scientists who have made significant discoveries in various fields of science, helped the development of technological progress and made our daily lives more comfortable were discussed.

The event was attended by foreign partners: Professor of the Faculty of Geography, Ecology and Tourism Niyazov Turgunbek Zainidinovich, PhD, Associate Professor Tamara Torobekova from Zhusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University (Bishkek), Doctor of Philosophy of Pedagogical Sciences PhD Kadirova Halima Nurmukhamedkizi from Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, graduates of the UNESCO chair for Sustainable Development from Kazakhstan and Hungary, students and undergraduates of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
March 15, 2024