Образование: |
Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби (КазНУ), химический факультет, 1972 год |
Диссертации: |
«Гидрохимия рисовых оросительных систем в бассейне реки Или», 1987 год – кандидатская;
«Антропогенная трансформация гидрохимического режима и качества вод бессточных водоемов Казахстана», 2006 год – докторская
Область научных интересов: |
Гидрохимия, педагогика, экология, методика преподавания химии, неорганическая химия |
Публикации за последние 5 лет: |
Список ниже |
за последние 5 лет:
1. Романова С.М. Вспоминая великих ученых и педагогов современности: Т.К. Чумбалов / в кн. Өнгелі өмір. Вып. 96. – Алматы: Қазақ ун-ті, 2017. – С. 144–145.
2. Romanova S.M., Ponomarenko O.I., Niyazbaeva A.I., Аmirgaliev N.А. Quality of water cooler –reservoir of Ekibastuz power plant-1 named after Bulat Nurzhanov // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. – 2017. Vol. 2. – № 422. – Р. 90–98.
3. Romanova S.M., Krupa E.G. Condition of carbonate-calcium equilibrium of water in lakes of state national natural park “Kolsai Kolderi”// News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. – 2017. Vol. 6. – № 426. – Р. 139 – 149.
4. Romanova S.M., Krupa E.G. Hydrochemistry of reservoirs of the river basin of arys in the territory of the southern Kazakhstan area // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. – 2017. Vol. 4. – № 424. – Р. 77–89.
5. Beisembayeva L., Romanova S., Ponomarenko O., Matveyeva I., Sydykbayeva S. Coal-mineral sorbents as effective sorbents for removal of boric acid // Mater. 17-th International Multidisciplinary Scientific. Geoconference SGEM 2017 / Albena, Bulgaria (29 June–5 July). – 2017. – Р. 175–179.
6. Ponomarenko O., Romanova S., Matveyeva I., Beisembayeva L. The technology of production of dimethyl ether from exhaust gases of TPP// Mater. 17-th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2017 / Albena, Bulgaria (29 June–5 July). – 2017. – Р. 253–260.
7. Ponomarenko O., Romanova S., Matveyeva I., Beisembayeva L. Effective methods of purification of exhaust gases of tpp from sulfur-containing compounds // Mater. 17-th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2017 / Albena, Bulgaria (29 June–5 July). – 2017. – Р. 353–358.
8. Romanova S., Beisembayeva L., Ponomarenko O., Matveyeva I. Features of chemical composition of reservoir – cooler of Ekibastuz GRES-1 (Kazakhstan) // Mater. 17-th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2017 / Albena, Bulgaria (29 June–5 July). – 2017. – Р. 285–291.
9. Romanova S.M., Kazangapova N.B., Abeuova Sh.M., Satova K.M. Soils of the Karaganda forest nursery: the basis of environmental and aesthetic landscape value of the region // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. Vol. 6. – 2017. – № 426. – Р. 150–156.
10. Romanova S., Kazangapova N. Theory and practice of self-purification capacities of natural water in Kazakhstan // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. – 2018. Vol. 1. – № 427. – Р. 41 – 48.
11. Романова С.М., Пономаренко О.И. Галургия в вопросах и ответах: методические указания. – Алматы: Қазақ ун-ті, 2017. –141с.
12. Романова С.М., Пономаренко О.И., Ниязбаева А.И. Гидрохимия және бейорганикалық химия бойынша тесттер мен жаттығулар жинағы: оқу құралы. – Алматы: Қазақ ун-ті, 2018. – 180б.
13. Barinova S., Krupa E., Romanova S. The role of plangtonic algae in the ecological assessment of storage – reservoirs of the Ili-Balkhash basin // Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 20.2. “The Wetlands Diversity”. – 2018. – Р. 1–14. DOI: 10.2478/trser-2018-0001(Sibiu ‒ Romania)
14. Рыскалиева Р.Г., Романова С.М., Пономаренко О.И. Құрғақ аймақтардағы табиғи сулардың өздігінен тазалану қабілеті // Chem Bull Kazakh Univ. – 2018. – № 2 (89). – Р. 36–42. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15328/cb971, https://bulletin.chemistry.kz/index.php/kaznu/article/view/971
15. Krupa, E.G., Imentai, A.K., Romanova S.M. Hydrochemical and toxicological characteristics of state national nature park “kolsay kolderi” lakes (Kungei Alatau, south-eastern Kazakhstan) // Nature Conservation Research. Issue 1. – 2016. Vol. 1. – P. 2–10.
16. Крупа Е.Г., Баринова С.C., Романова С.М. Размерная структура зоопланктона Кольсайских горных озер (Кунгей Алатау, Юго-Восточный Казахстан) и ее связь с факторами среды// Водные ресурсы. – М.: Наука, 2019. – №46 (3). – Р. 278–289. DOI: 10.31857/S0321-0596463278-289
17. Krupa E.G., Barinova S.S., Romanova S.M. Zooplankton Size Structure in Kolsay Mountain Lakes (Kungei Alatay, Southeastern Kazakhstan) and Its Relationships with Environmental Factors// Water Resources. – 2019. Vol. 46. –№ 3. – Р. 403–414. DOI:10.1134/S0097807819030126
18. Beisembayeva L.K., Romanova S.M., Ponomarenko O.I, Matveyeva I.V., Nazarkulova Sh.N., Sydykbayeva S.A. Purification of waters from boron by fatty acids solid-phase extraction // Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy / Bulgaria, 2019. – №54 (3). – P. 617–621. https://dl.uctm.edu/journal/web/j2019-3
19. Romanova S.M., Ponomarenko O.I, Matveyeva I.V., Beisembayeva L.K., Каzangapova N.B., Tukenova Z.A. Evaluation of application of mulching technology for cultivation of agricultural crops// Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy / Bulgaria, 2019. – №54 (3). – P. 514-521. https://dl.uctm.edu/journal/web/j2019-3
20. Krupa E., Barinova S., Romanova S. The Role of Natural and Anthropogenic Factors In the Distributionof Heavy Metals in the Water Bodies of Kazakhstan // Turk. J. Fish.& Aquat. Sci. – 2019. – №19 (8). – Р. 707–718. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4194/1303-2712-v19_8_09
21. Ramazanova N., Berdenov Zh., Ramazanov S., Romanova S., Kazangapova N., Toksanbaeva S., Wendt J. Landscape-geochemical analysis of steppe zone basin Zhaiyk // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. – 2019. Vol. 4. – № 436. – Р. 33–41. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32014/2019.2518-170X.95
22. Романова С.М., Рыскалиева Р.Г., Пономаренко О.И. Галургия сұрақтары мен жауаптары: оқу құралы. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2019. – 116 б.
23. Романова С.М., Ниязбаева А.И., Пономаренко О.И. Гидрохимия және бейорганикалық химия бойынша тесттер мен жаттығулар жинағы: электрондық кітап. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2020.
24. Романова С.М., Пономаренко О.И. Галургия в вопросах и ответах: электронные методические указания. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2020.
25. Рыскалиева Р.Г., Романова С.М., Пономаренко О.И. Галургия сұрақтары мен жауаптары: электрондық кітап. Оқу құралы. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2020.
26. Романова С.М., Ниязбаева А.И., Пономаренко О.И. Табиғи сулардағы химиялық тепе-тендіктер: электронды оқу құралы. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2020.
27. Krupa E., Barinova S., Romanova S. Ecologocal mapping in assessing the impact of environmental factors on the aquatic ecosystem of the Arys river basin, South Kazakhstan // Diversity. – 2019. – №11 (239). DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/d11120239, www.mdpi.com/journal/diversity
28. Krupa E., Berkinbaev G., Romanova S., Yakovleva N., Sadvakasov E. Zooplankton as Indicator of the Ecological State of Protected Aquatic Ecosystems (Lake Borovoe, Burabay National Nature Park, Northern Kazakhstan) // Water. – 2020. – №12 (9). – 2580 р. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/w12092580
29. Krupa E., Barinova S., Aubakirova M., Romanova S., Ainabaeva N. Planktonic Invertebrates in the Assessment of Long-Term Change in Water Quality of the Sorbulak Wastewater Disposal System (Kazakhstan) // Water. – 2020. – №12 (12). – 3409 р. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/w12123409 , https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/12/12/3409/pdf
30. Romanova S.M. Halurgy (Questions And Answers). Educational handbook. – Almaty: Kazak University, 2020. – 134 р.
31. Рыскалиева Р.Ғ., Романова С.М. Қазақстанның минералды шикізаттары:теориясы мен тест тапсырмалары: оқу құралы. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2020. – 169 б.
32. Романова С.М. Сборник заданий по гидрохимии: учебное пособие. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2021. – 151 с.
33. Romanova S.M., Yarovaya Y.Yu. Сourse of lectures on hydrochemistry: тextbook. – Almaty: Kazak University, 2021. – 202 р.
34. Romanova S.M., Yarovaya Y.Yu. Exercises on hydrochemistry (for the group of specialties «Chemistry», «Biotechnology», «Hydrology», «Ichtyology,industrial fishing and fishery») Educational manual. – Almaty: Kazak University, 2021. – 144 р.
35. Рыскалиева Р.Ғ., Романова С.М. Гидрохимия пәнінен тест тапсырмалары. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2021. – 154 б.
36. Romanova S.M., Yarovaya Y.Yu., Ponomarenko O.I. Questions and exercises on hydrochemistry and inorganic chemistry (for the group of specialties «Chemistry», «Biotechnology», «Hydrology», «Ichtyology, industrial fishing and fishery») Educational manual. – Almaty: Kazak University, 2021. – 189 р.
37. Romanova S.M., Yarovaya Y.Yu. Сourse of lectures on hydrochemistry: тextbook. – Almaty: Kazak University, 2021. – 202 р.
38. Крупа Е.Г., Баринова С.С., Романова С.М., Хитрова Е.А. Гидрохимическая и гидробиологическая характеристика озер Щучинско-Боровой курортной зоны (Северный Казахстан) и основные методологические подходы к оценке экологического состояния малых водоемов: монография. – Алматы: ИП Волкова Е.В., 2021. –300 с.