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Bird Ringing Centre

The first head of the team of ornithologists since 1933 was a prominent scientist laureate of the State Prize of the USSR and the Kazakh SSR, Doctor of Biological Sciences I. A. Dolgushin. His name is inextricably linked with the development of ornithology in Kazakhstan in all its aspects from purely scientific to applied. The ornithologists have accumulated a huge material on the ornithofauna of Kazakhstan, which served as a basis for the publication of the five-volume summary “The Birds of Kazakhstan” (1960, 1962, 1970, 1972, 1974), which was awarded the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR in 1978.

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GIS and Remote Sensing Department

Objective of the department:

To develop and implement geo-information technology in research at the Institute of Zoology.

Priority areas of the department:

  • Monitoring and assessment of ecosystems, natural pastures, water bodies and near-water ecosystems based on current and archived remote sensing data.
  • Assessment of anthropogenic impact (degradation of land cover, fragmentation of landscapes, etc.) on ecosystems.
  • Modelling of ecological niches of selected vertebrate and invertebrate species.

Publications by the department’s staff:

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Biocenology and Game Management Laboratory

The Laboratory of Biocenology and Game Management Science was established within the Institute of Zoology on the basis of the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute (Minutes No 11 of October 07, 2021) and in accordance with the order of the General Director No 43-II of October 18, 2021.

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Laboratory of Parasitology

The purpose of the Laboratory of Parasitology is to conduct basic and applied research in parasitology. Laboratory staff are involved in the study of parasite-host relations and the circulation of vectors of dangerous human pathogens.

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